Tuesday, October 11, 2011


"700km in one day? That's nothing!"

My brother and I got in the car on Friday and drove 700km to Boston! It was a world-wind trip filled with everything we could fit in! Here's what we filled our four day trip with:

One of my favourite sites was Fenway Park. I don't even like baseball, but it was a site to see!

I have a huge fascination with JFK and Jackie O. We spent a few hours in the JFK Memorial Museum right on the water! I'm posing with one of Jackie's dresses!

The weather was perfect. Just a bit of humidity, but the trees were a lovely colour and we had full sunny days. It was great for walking around!

We shopped at this awesome discount store and sported our new outfits on the town Saturday night. I love this amazing jacket I found for only $40!!

Taking the bus downtown Boston to take a walking tour of every neighborhood and attraction we could fit in!

We ate so much great food! This was a spicy veggie quesadilla from a cute pub across from the State House called 21st Amendment.

We took our picture in front of 3 state houses! Vermont, Massachusetts and New York. In total we drove through 2 Canadian provinces and 4 US states in total.

All in all I think Boston is right up there in my favourite city list! It had it all! Everywhere we turned it was gorgeous. Great architecture, picturesque views and very clean streets! Most importantly everyone was SO nice and helpful! We loved staying outside of the downtown area in a neighborhood called Newton. We took a morning job to explore the area more and late night walks to get some really "city" activities in like visiting Dunkin' Donuts and 7-11 for snacks!


1 comment:

  1. I agree, Boston is fantastic! One of my absolute favorites. I definitely had a soft spot for the parks, Faneuil Hall and the whole area around it, the Boston Aquarium.... aaah, what a great city, I miss it so.

    Glad to hear you enjoyed your visit!!
