Saturday, October 15, 2011

this week

I'm just now getting back into my (somewhat) normal life schedule after BOSTON (that's not a typo, it needs all caps!). I'm enjoying a lovely Saturday morning in pj's catching up on blogs and drinking a tasty smoothie!

Chocolate, peanut butter and banana together again!

Here's what my week's been like:

Bartending course I got Billy for our anniversary. This is my Cherry Brandy Sour.

Instead of buying pre-made sandwiches I convinced my co-worker to get sliced meat, buns, veggies and grainy mustard at the grocery store. We made gourmet sandwiches at work!

Pre-workout meal at my brother's. Broiled salmon with a fresh tomato and basil sauce. On the side- green salad and baked sweet potato.

The BOSTON red dress.
The "I didn't want to wash my hair today" look. Day old curls are so hard to make look presentable, but I think this did the trick!

Mid-afternoon snack, rice cakes with peanut butter.

On the town.



  1. I might not have time to comment on all of your posts, but I sure do enjoy reading all of them! You look gorgeous in red and as usual, you make me hungry! :)

  2. i enjoy reading them too! loving your red dress...foxy lady!
    (nice to see you over at mine - I love a sunflower too)
