Thursday, July 21, 2011

Getting away from the computer

Do you ever feel like you're at a computer almost all day? I do. Even breakfast and lunch are in front of my laptop checking out blogs and catching up on emails. Today I said no to all of that!

I had breakfast at the dining room table (like a real person!) and read my book while enjoying a bowl of banana/strawberry/applesauce oatmeal.

For lunch, again at the dining room table, I had two salmon salad lettuce wraps with some raspberry crystal light. I made the filling from a can of salmon, fresh dill, light mayo, and the green end of a green onion. Topped with tomato chunks made it the perfect HOT weather lunch.

Did it make the food tastier? Perhaps. But really, here I am, after eating and back at my computer. At least I had a bit of a break!



  1. That food looks so tasty! I took a long break from my laptop today, it's nice to just get away sometimes.

  2. During the school year, I'm at my desk all day long. I try to take breaks and walk around the building. During the summer, I try to shut our laptop and put it in our guest room. I'm not as tempted then. I'm not doing so good today though. :)

  3. it looks delicious and so healthy!

  4. this looks so refreshing! looks like you eat a lot of salmon...we do, too! thanks for the idea!

