Thursday, February 2, 2012

what's in my gym bag

I was reading about what people put in their purses today. But what about the all important gym bag?

My gym bag travels with me everywhere and has to fit the gear for my various activities. Last friday night it was packed to the brim!

I use one of the side pockets for my two water bottles. The blue one is for spinning, the red one is for everything else. I can also fit a protein shake if I need it (that day I needed it! 1.5 hours of spinning followed by 1 hour of boxing).

Shoes: for spinning and shoes for work outs.

When I bought the bag I made sure it was big enough to hold my boxing gloves. It's also big enough for a set of workout clothes if I'm going to the gym right from work. My skipping rope and spare socks fit nicely in the other side pocket.

I'm ready for anything! What's in your gym bag?


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